Bike: Automate with Shortcuts

Bike Outliner adds Shortcut actions! With Apple’s new Shortcuts[1] app you drag and drop actions to create automated workflows. It’s similar in capability to AppleScript, but much easier to get started.


Bike Shortcut Actions

Bike provides a complete suite of shortcut actions. You can create, edit, move, and delete rows. You can also search for rows and expand or collapse the outline.

Here’s what a shortcut looks like. This shortcut saves Safari’s current tab to a “Links” section in your outline. I’ll walk you through part of this shortcut’s creation in the following tutorial.

Bike Save Link Shortcut

Bike Shortcuts Tutorial

In this short tutorial I’ll show you how to create a link and throw in a few tips along the way. I’m still learning this new automation technology. If you have any suggestions, please let me know in the comments.

Bike Shortcuts Examples

  1. Shortcuts requires macOS 13 or later and Bike 1.11 or later. ↩︎