Bike now supports rich text! You can bold, italic, code
, highlight, and strikethrough. There’s innovation too. See how it works in this post + movie.
- Added rich text
- Added link buttons
- Added typing affinity
- Added visible typing attributes
- Added invisibles to selected text
- Added keyboard focused formatting pallet
- Added .rtf support when pasting into Bike
- Added .html support when copying from Bike
- Added menu items to change outline/text mode
- Changed block mode selection color
- Changed text mode duplicate to be row based
- Changed row indentation to char width increments
- Changed window tab titles to match focused row
- Edit > Copy Link now includes rich text link
- Removed underline from link text style
- Improved editing of right-to-left text
- Fixed some cases opening Bike links
- Fixed drawing on non-retina screens
- Fixed handing of null characters when saving
- Fixed scripting access to expand and collapse lists of rows
- Fixed when bike links would not paste into some applications
- Fixed a bunch of other crashes and small issues