Bike adds a navigation bar with breadcrumbs and back/forward history. It also adds inline navigation controls, so you can zoom around your outline using only your mouse.
It’s been a year since Bike 1.0. Thanks for your support! Bike’s made a lot of good progress this year. I hope you’ll consider renewing your license to support another year of development.
Jesse Grosjean
- Added Navigation bar
- Added Outline > Go Home menu
- Added Outline > Go Back menu
- Added Outline > Go Forward menu
- Added Focus In arrow to parent rows
- Added Focus Out arrow to focused row
- Added Hide guide lines setting
- Added Hide focus arrows setting
- Added license renewal process
- Added setting to hide secondary controls when typing
- Added print setting to hide secondary controls when printing
- Added additional text wrap widths of 90 and 120 chars
- Added Shortcut option to not return rows for Edit, Move, and Import
- Added Index property to Shortcut rows
- Changed order and focus of fields in link edit popover
- Handles are now only dark when they have collapsed children
- Tinted default background color to emphasize status bars
- Removed mouse over button highlights
- Removed focus status from window titlebar
- Fixed drag and drop of files into outline creates links
- Fixed Shortcut open action